Ben takes himself very seriously. A Rubyist, closet gopher, open source lover and contributor. When not shipping bugs, Ben can be found grooming his beard.
Presentations by Ben Lovell:
Rails Israel 2016 Conference, Monday, November 14, 2016, 09:00
More Speakers at Rails Israel 2016
Michal Papis
Open Source DeveloperRVM -
Bozhidar Batsov
VP EngineeringToptal -
Nick Sutterer
Creator of Trailblazer -
Paolo "Nusco" Perrotta
Author of the Metaprogramming Ruby book -
Alexia McDonald
Lead DeveloperDoneSafe -
Damir Svrtan
Ruby on Rails team leadInfinum -
Boris Nadion
FounderAstrails -
Rubens Stulzer
Growth HackerVivaReal -
Damien Mathieu
Software CraftsmanHeroku -
Aaron Cruz
Senior ExpertCommunity Factory -
Yorick Peterse
Performance nerdGitLab -
Jonan Scheffler
Developer AdvocateHeroku -
Johnny Winn
Elixir Evangelist/Host of the Elixir FountainHashrocket -
Vladimir Shteinman
Ruby tech leadGett