Ben takes himself very seriously. A Rubyist, closet gopher, open source lover and contributor. When not shipping bugs, Ben can be found grooming his beard.
Presentations by Ben Lovell:
Rails Israel 2015 Conference, Tuesday, November 24, 2015, 08:45"Blah, blah Ruby is dead..."I'm getting tired of hearing this blatant falsehood and so should you. Ruby has never been more alive! I'm here to posit the argument that the Ruby language, runtime and community is in its absolute renaissance.There was never a greater time to be a Rubyist BUT it falls upon us all to protect our ideals and help secure Ruby's future for another ten years. So what can we do to help? Let's get to the bottom of this and have some fun along the way...
More Speakers at Rails Israel 2016
Michal Papis
Open Source DeveloperRVM -
Bozhidar Batsov
VP EngineeringToptal -
Nick Sutterer
Creator of Trailblazer -
Paolo "Nusco" Perrotta
Author of the Metaprogramming Ruby book -
Alexia McDonald
Lead DeveloperDoneSafe -
Damir Svrtan
Ruby on Rails team leadInfinum -
Boris Nadion
FounderAstrails -
Rubens Stulzer
Growth HackerVivaReal -
Damien Mathieu
Software CraftsmanHeroku -
Aaron Cruz
Senior ExpertCommunity Factory -
Yorick Peterse
Performance nerdGitLab -
Jonan Scheffler
Developer AdvocateHeroku -
Johnny Winn
Elixir Evangelist/Host of the Elixir FountainHashrocket -
Vladimir Shteinman
Ruby tech leadGett